Junior Learn to Row Easter Camps

Aged 12 – 17? Then this is a great opportunity to learn a new skill, be outdoors, and meet new people; full body exercise in the fresh air with new friends … what could be better?

Costing £100 for four three hour sessions, the course is taught by full qualified coaches, and will include the following, plus every participant will receive a T-shirt, Gym bag, Log book, and Certificate.

  • Water safety 
  • Rowing and sculling technique
  • Indoor rowing technique
  • Indoor racing
  • Mini regatta competition
  • Gym training for rowing 

There’s an option of two course dates:
Mon 6th – Thurs 9th April      10am – 1pm
Tues 14th – Fri 17th April   10am – 1pm
Please indicate which week you would prefer on the membership form. We expect to run the 2 courses but to assist us could you indicate 1 for first preference, 2 for second and X for if cannot attend make the course. If we are unable to run the only week that you are able to attend, we will of course refund the course fee.

There is, of course, a swimming requirement, which you will see on our declaration form, which is to be able to swim 50 metres in light clothing (rowing kit), tread water for 2 minutes and swim underwater for 5m.

Course payment: 
£100 payment Broxbourne Rowing Club sort code 20-20-37 account no. 00234095 and clearly indicate the name of your child as well as JL2R as the reference.

You will also need to complete the membership form which is on the Club website https://broxbournerowingclub.org/membership/

4 Replies to “Junior Learn to Row Easter Camps”

  1. Hello

    My son is 11 next month and really keen to come along to one of the Easter Junior camps. I am an ex rower myself and feel he is mature enough to take part. He has been kayaking a number of times with Scouts. He is an extremely competent swimmer and plays rugby for our local club.

    Would you consider him I see that the courses are for 12+

    1. Hi Jayne, apologies for not replying earlier. For some reason i did not receive a notification of your message. as you will now be aware, as we all are, all activity and courses have been cancelled for the foreseeable future.
      If your son is still interested, and bearing in mind he is now 12 .. happy birthday to him … please complete the form on our website registering your interest meaning you will get immediate notification once dates are rearranged.

      Apologies again for our late response
      Keep well, and stay safe

  2. Hello, since the lock down has been phased out a small bit, are there any courses within the near future? My daughter has interest in joining the squad for under 18s and so i saw it fit for her to first take this training course. So is there any hope of having courses in autumn or late summer?

    1. Courses for Juniors are normally held Easter and summer Anneke but we may look at trying to squeeze one in sooner, or alternative ways in which young people can join us earlier.
      If you email our Club Secretary, he will keep your details on file and let you know dates as and when they come available secretary@broxbournerowingclub.org

      Thanks for your message, hope to see your daughter on the water very soon

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