Our next adult introduction to rowing course will hopefully be held this Autumn. Dates yet to be confirmed. Sessions run from 11:00 to 13:00 (except the first two weekends when the sessions will run longer to 2pm). The course is usually limited to 16 learners but may well be reduced in view of the current situation.
The full dates of the course will be published as soon as the necessary arrangements have been made.
The first 4 weeks will introduce you to Rowing, and the final 4 weeks you will develop skills in Sculling.
The cost of the course is £160, or £120 if you are aged 18 – 24. You can book onto the course by making payment via bank transfer direct to the club (Broxbourne Rowing Club sort code 20-20-37 account no. 00234095) please include L2R and your name as reference, once you have paid please fill in our online learn to row application form, using the below link.
As mentioned, there is usually a maximum number of 16 places on the course (but this may well be reduced), and once the number of participants is reached we will not be able to accept anyone else and the website will be updated. If you are not able to get on this course or make these dates you can complete the expression of Interest form on the Learn to Row page and you will be added to our waitlist and notified of our next course.
The course is aimed at men and women who are looking for a new challenge and want to learn to row. If you have played other competitive sports or regularly attend a gym and want to test yourself in a team environment, then rowing is the sport for you. Or if you’re new to sport and fitness and want to learn a new skill in a friendly and supportive environment, then come along.
The course is an introduction, we will teach you the core rowing and sculling technique while working on your rowing fitness. Sessions will take place on the land and river, and you will always be supervised by a coach who will lead the sessions. The course is an introduction and will hopefully whet your appetite to continue learning to row. There is no obligation to continue or sign-up as a member after the course but we hope you will have enjoyed your time enough that you are interested in joining one of our squads to develop your rowing further.
Please be at the club by 11:00 (if the car park is full, there is additional free public parking across the river) when you arrive ask for Chris Moody, Paul Breheny or learn to row.
You must be able to swim. Please wear warm but flexible clothes e.g. tracksuit, leggings, shorts, fleece, t-shirt, waterproof top depending on the weather, layers are good.
The first weekend we will show you around the club, get you to practice in the gym, bank tub and if possible take you for a short outing in a boat.
Please read the additional information about rowing and our beginners course. https://broxbournerowingclub.org/learn-to-row/
Following the course, if you want to continue you will be able to join the club and we will help you select the best group for you to train with depending on your aspirations.
If you have further questions please email secretary@broxbournerowingclub.org all welcome.
I am interested in doing the course do you know when you will be starting these again?
Hi Abigail, hopefully later this year but it’s so uncertain right now …
Email our Club Secretary and he will keep your details on file and update you as soon as he can secretary@broxbournerowingclub.org