
Broxbourne Rowing Club is committed to ensuring that all its members, including children and vulnerable adults, can enjoy being part of a club that is open to all and provides a safe and enjoyable environment . We are committed to upholding safety best practice and minimising the risk of harm to our members and others.

All club members, whether rowing, coxing or coaching, must prioritise safety at all times.

ROWSAFE We endorse and adhere to British Rowing’s RowSafe guidance which you can access here.

Here is the Club’s Emergency Response Plan and Safety Policy

SAFETY NOTES Here are notes on Key Safety Points for Rowers, Coxes and Coaches and Buoyancy Aids and Life Jackets

COXING IN COLD WEATHER Guidance on Coxing in Cold Weather

ADVERSE WEATHER Guidance on the dangers of Adverse Weather

ROWING IN THE DARK Rowing in the dark creates additional risks and it is therefore essential that members adhere to the following guidance

Rowing in the dark

Coxing in the Dark

POWERPOINTS Here are PowerPoints on

Checks and Procedures for Safe Outings

Safety Basics

A copy of the Club’s latest Risk Assessment